I got up this morning a little earlier than usual, which was a good thing. I had not cleaned up the basement or set up the tables, so it took me a good bit of work to get ready for class this morning. The first group of kids helped me set up chairs, and so I was able to get the computer set up for our music and get my materials ready for class.
Today each zone took an assignment to talk about Fall. I used this worksheet. One zone took a column on the page, and I asked the last zone to take the bottom section “lessons learned from Adam and Eve” and add some more things to that list. They did a great job as usual. I did create some Books of the Old Testament cards since I told the kids that I would start testing them on memorizing the Books of the Old Testament tomorrow. If they can get them in order (or at least mostly in order), then we will stop singing that song for our opener.
One student handed me two post it notes with some questions from last night’s reading. They were all pretty easy, but I’m so glad that she’s thinking. I will answer those in the morning tomorrow, plus share a quote that helps clarify some of the differences between transgression and sin that we discussed during class. Plus, I insinuated (incorrectly) that Adam and Eve had not yet been commanded to multiply and replenish the earth, and that’s cleared up in this quote, too. The article is The Great Plan of Happiness by Dallin H Oaks. I love Elder Oaks.
And the RS broadcast was Saturday — that Forget Me Not thing from Elder Uchdorf is going to cause a run on forget me nots come spring, I betcha. :) There won’t be any in the state of Utah for sure. What a great talk.
I still haven’t prepared tomorrow’s lesson, so I’ve gotta bail and do that and make a meal for a friend. Plus it’s FHE. Which I will NOT be in charge of (hear that, Jared?)