This morning three other cells popped up with some little seedlings! The only cells that haven’t produced anything are the smuggled Italian seeds. They were never very good in the first place — I didn’t know to ferment seed back then — and they’ve been stored in tiny ziplock bags — my dad’s doing — for several years, so it’s unlikely they’ll sprout anyway. (Stupice was also stored in plastic for a few years and came up, but those seeds were fermented.)

Cherokee Purple is barely breaking the soil-less mix. I see six up at the moment. I planted twenty, so hopefully I’ll get more.

So this is good news! I have five varieties growing, two more coming by mail in mid-May (Bear Claw and Anna’s Black Russian), and four seed packets (Pineapple, Sun Gold, Juliet, and Kellogg’s Breakfast) coming from Seeds n Such — theoretically anyway. My order is still “processing”, irritatingly. They use WooCommerce, so that probably means my seeds haven’t even shipped yet.